Friday, September 25, 2009


I just had 4 days of jury duty in a civil trial here in town. Below you'll find my thoughts as a juror. Forgive me for the long sentences, use of past and present tense within the same paragraph, etc.

Jury Duty Day 1

There had to be 60 potential jurors. I RARELY win anything and had decided I’m way too innocent looking and know way too much to be an actual juror in this trial. Yet at the same time, I yearned to be picked. I REALLY wanted to sit in on a trial, I wanted to learn more. At this point in my life I realize I must be a part of something, submerged, invested, or I’m likely not going to retain much.

2nd one pulled out of the box, no joke. Verified with my full name, Mary Louise Supiran. Well, I had been picked, but there was still more questioning. My biggest fear....would I know the answer? I mean, would I know the answer, even though the question was purely innocent and only to help identify whether or not I would be suitable on this jury. I mean what if I did know one of the witnesses, but didn't realize it? Or what if I did know about the incident and just forgot? Goodness, I know I’m famous for second guessing myself, but come on, this is simple stuff. Well, I was fairly sure I had answered all the preliminary questions correctly or to the best of my knowledge and if it were to the best of my knowledge than it likely wouldn’t hinder my thoughts.

Now for a few specific questions. “Does anyone have family in fire fighting?”... Does he mean me?? Do I answer, my sister is, but does that count? Another juror speaks up, her brother in law is a ff in town. Well, that means a bit more, did he arrive on scene, etc. My sister lives in NM. Uh oh, he asks the question again. I better answer, I speak up and tell him my sister is a forest firefighter..and I think in the back of my head, well technically, I have no idea her real title and she would correct me if she were here (and will now, I know). I’m asked if I’ve had discussions with her about fires..yes, but minimal. He gets more specific, I answer the same. I even offer that we’ve discussed smoke patterns more so than any type of burn pattern, he says okay. Whew, I passed.. Wait, it’s not a test, I know!! Then came clarification of job. “Mary, you’re a social worker, right?” Yes, I say. I’m asked where, I answer Tendercare Alpena Nursing Home.. Huh, that’s all he wants to know. Honestly, I think he’s happy to have a social worker, because I like to think I’m level headed, I like to think I’ll take what is given to me and make a decision based on all the evidence opposed to how I feel about a person, isn’t that what a social worker is supposed to be? It dawns on me, I’m stuck in this thing, they’re not dismissing me. It leads me to wish I could remember how I had filled out the juror questionnaire. I can’t even recall filling it out.

What makes them choose who they choose, besides the obvious dismissal of experts in a certain field, or friend or relatives of people in the trial?

7 jurors picked, 1 of those an alternate. 5 ladies and 1 gentleman ( think they dismissed jurors till they got a male-but I have nothing to base this on other than it’s what I would have done). Poor guy. Awkward situation, can’t discuss what is on our mind any time we break or go to lunch, so it’s awkward silence and the poorest small talk I’ve ever been involved in. So poor that I even try harder than I normally do to make small talk (I hate small talk, what’s the point other than to potentially make big talk, so why not just start with the big talk?). Ah well, time will change things, I’m sure.

Interesting being the one others are trying to convince. Intriguing to follow how each player (plaintiff and defendant) attempt to go about doing this. Lawyers are smart. I never had any reason to believe otherwise, but watching them in action, a juror can see how quick, how eclectic in their knowledge, how they must learn their subject in great detail for every trial, how they prepare, how they study, how they retain, etc, etc.. Yes, I realize they all have their own personalities and some may be smarter, wittier, less annoying than others, but really, they have to be able to roll with the punches. Ah, and I get to observe it all. Oh, wait that’s not entirely my job, I must stay focused and learn...and you know what? I did. I stayed focus, and focused on things that involve science no less. I get it, I truly get what they’re relaying, what they’re trying to do.

I’ve also found that this judge, perhaps not all judges, but this judge, is very mindful of his jurors. Very kind. Not only do I know I have an important job, but he does a great job of making me feel like I have an important job. He’s good.

Jury Duty Day 2

I must not be late, I told the judge I would be pushing it for 8:15, but that’s what he requested after another juror said 8:30. Kyle to bus stop, Jack to daycare (or should I say Mr. Grumpy to daycare)...a little early, that’s okay, one time I’m sure is okay. Yesterday I stopped at work on my lunch and again after duty..I don’t think I’ll do that today unless I have at least an hour lunch or get out early. Made me too irritable.

Made it to the jurors room with plenty of time to spare. Time to wind down a bit, thankfully. Time to pray, ask God for discernment, focus and thanked him for the opportunity presented to me. Time to drink iced coffee (mixed myself NOT at McD’s). More small talk, a little juror headed straight to work yesterday till 11PM! One juror got her 7th graders started with the sub, another juror asked if everything had worked out for me. Nice.

Another full day in the court room. Lots of witnesses, some on the scene, some experts and one could tell who was who. Even more to learn. Lovin’ it. Judge continues to make us feel important; goes so far as to contact one jurors boss for excused absence. Jurors are all interested in the discussion. I’m impressed with that. Stretching has never felt so good. I don’t think I could sit for this long on a regular basis. I have no idea how people do it. I do believe, the clerk should give us certificates for a massage along with our paycheck.

We’re told we’ll try to finish up on Friday, but if not we’ll resume on the 24th. We’re asked to check our calendars tonight. Quite honestly, I’m not sure if we’ll get through it tomorrow. It seems to me there is a lot more to examine, cross examine and re-cross examine. At least two more witnesses, expert witnesses. We’ll see. The two things I dislike most? Sitting all day and not being able to ask my own questions.

Jury Duty Day 3

Not as rushed this morning, so arrival felt calmer. Everyone there and refreshed. Amazing to me how the attorneys can start right where they left off, without hesitation, recap, etc. From time to time an attorney will catch my eye. Wow, they’re good. They are trying in any way to tempt me. For some reason, me as juror #2, seems to put me right in the lines of the witnesses. They seem to keep looking at me, talking to me. I’m not sure why, because though I am looking at them, making eye contact, I am giving little to no reaction. Perhaps they’re working to get me to respond? Perhaps I’m just in the right seat. I say this because some of the other jurors react to a point that annoys me. I realize it is who they are, their personality, but I just don’t think it’s right to shake ones head yes, or no to questions asked to the witness by the attorney. I also don’t think it’s right to make comments as one exhales. Day 3 and I’m already annoyed by my co-workers, already drawing conclusions and already fearful of what’s to come when we deliberate. I must be on my game when I come forth with my conclusions, my opinion. I must not second guess myself. I must take good notes. I must be confident and I must be forthright. Thankfully, it’s just 75% that needs the vote. I’ll feel no need to be swayed.

The worst thing that happened to me during this day happened in the morning and I’m fairly confident no one has any idea, but perhaps maybe an assistant to the plaintiff lawyer. I was seconds away from fainting while sitting in my juror chair with no indication of a break nearing. My body became light, my face white as a ghost, I’m sure, as I felt all the blood drain from head. What should I do? Breathe, wait it out, talk it out of your system, if all else fails, just get up. Thankfully the judge is pretty tame, he’ll understand once explained. Oh, please, I thought, go away, make it go away. Breathe, adjust my seating, breathe. Okay, it’s passing, phew. Now that it has passed, was anyone watching?? I look around quickly and I see the assistant I spoke of earlier looking at me. If anyone was looking at me, they would have known something wasn’t right for whatever few seconds it was. She watched me a bit longer than need be. She may have not known what was going on, but she detected something...Ah well, oh please don’t wash over me again this day!!!

I AM curious what the other jurors think. Their body language and their comments lead me to believe every which way. It’s not that I’m focusing on that more than the case, but now as things wind down, it sure would be great to hash all this information out with those who’ve been listening. Our day will come, but not until 6 days from now!!! Yes, we are not meeting until 6 days from now!! My notes are secured at the court room, I can’t even review them (do they know how bad my memory is...and my note taking???). I can’t talk about it, I can’t read about it, I can’t make a joke about it for SIX days.

The judge has made it clear that he would really like to be done on that day too. I fear that might mean deliberation until 7PM if need be. That means I must find some assistance with kids...Aye. Two more witnesses to go come Thursday, then their closing statements, judge’s directions and deliberation. Aye. No more near fainting episodes. Phew. Out at 5 PM and off to pick up the kids! Weekend (with a 4 hour shift at TCA on Sunday).

Jury Duty Day 4

I arrived knowing that today would likely be our last day. In some ways I was disappointed, it has all been so interesting!! I had everything worked out for the day and felt good that I would be able to focus all of my attention on the trial. Kyle would be getting off the bus with new friends and their parents would take him to the game in time to be ball boy as Gregg had pictures and no time. Jack would be picked up from daycare by babysitter and brought to the game where eventually I would meet up. Bags for everyone were packed and I was actually on time so I stopped to pick up some yogurt, gum and an iced coffee .

Our group of jurors still interests me in that we really don’t share much conversation. Yet, I think if we could talk about the trial we probably wouldn’t stop talking. A true awkward silence. Trial started once again right where we left off (still amazing to me). Attorneys are tricky. I wonder through the day if they do any studying of jurors. Why does it seem they always look at me? Why does it seem like they think they can play us? I guess I realize it’s the game of it all. What I like most is the fact that no matter how annoyed I became with any of the attorneys or witnesses it truly didn’t effect how I felt about the matter at hand. It felt good to be able to discern such a thing.

In the morning we finished with one witness and took a break before the next, of whom was going to be a video taped deposition. When ever we returned to the courtroom we felt respected. Felt good (does that mean I don’t feel respected often??). We all sat down and began watching the deposition. About twenty minutes in, the juror next to me was nodding off (the lights WERE off!). Even on occasion I heard a snore! Twenty five minutes later I realize that even though I went to the bathroom on break I drank more coffee than I had thought and needed to use the bathroom again. I sit up straight, I move around, I cross my legs, uncross my legs and slowly begin to realize that the deposition isn’t stopping and I’m not listening! What do I do? Oh my, oh my! I really have got to go and I can’t even listen and Juror #3 keeps snoring! What’s that, Juror #7 is dozing off too..and I cannot hear a word that man is saying!! What do I do??? I think of all my options, attempt to hold it, just leave, raise my hand, stand up?? Everyone is looking in the other direction staring at the screen. I decide I must do something.. I write on my pad,

“Sir, I am having a difficult time concentrating. I need to use the restroom. The juror beside me is sleeping. Perhaps a 3 minute break? Thank you, Juror #3”

Immediately after I wrote this I felt a little less pressure, perhaps that relieved me enough. Perhaps I can hold off. A minute goes by and I realize this relief was temporary. What do I do?? I have no idea what the guy is saying on the screen. I really cannot concentrate. I risk showing Juror #1 my note. She looks at me like, “what do you want me to do about it?”. There goes my idea of her bringing the note to the judge... Finally, I can’t take it anymore, I stand up and walk over to the judge. He feels my presence and turns to me. A rush of fear, I hand over my notepad as quickly as I can. I’m getting an inquisitive look and one that says, “this better be good” mixed with “what do you dare approach me for during a deposition?” A sigh of relief, as quick as he read it he requests counsel to pause the the video and says (while I am standing beside him) something like this, at this time we’re going to take a brief break, any of the jurors who may need to exercise this can. Then he turns to me and says, Ma'am you may go too. OF COURSE, I am the only one that goes!!

RELIEF though. It was wonderful. I was so thankful I went. I returned, everyone in the same spot when I left. The judge says, It’s not quite like a classroom where you can raise your hand, is it? I apologize and take my seat. Slight humiliation! Let me tell you though, concentration was easy as pie after that! That deposition lasted another hour and a half. I would have NEVER made it. I would have puked. No lie. Now to focus again. I have no idea what was said while I was gone, but no more sleeping occurred either!

The closing statements were interesting. All three attorneys had red ties on. I wonder how often that happens. I worried slightly as to who would be the foreman and whether or not they would allow everyone to speak fairly. I wondered how long the deliberation would be and figured we could be there for hours explaining our points. I had made it clear to myself that I would speak up and if it didn’t seem people were getting an opportunity to speak I would say something.

Later in the afternoon we finally receive our directions! We’re going to deliberate! The foreman was chosen and she told me I could be her assistant. We asked each juror the first question..and everyone agreed. That’s it???? It’s over, we all agree? What? We finally show that we do indeed have personalities and we all take a minute to just talk. We all find that we thought deliberation was going to be hard because we were going to have to convince everyone else of our point..but we all agreed on the first and therefore only question! Huh.

Jury duty to me, in this case? A great experience. I loved it. I learned a great deal. I exercised my abilities. I would do it again in a heartbeat (granted I may not like another type of case). I will, however, ration the coffee.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Here are some fun pictures from the past few months. Thought I would share. Some of them are already on facebook, but for those that don't go there I thought you might like them here!

Great Aunt Teresa & Jack
3 Cities Tour
May 2009

Amy, Ethan, Sam, Anne and Baby Mia
3 Cities Tour
May 2009

Heather and Jack
3 Cities Tour

Great Grandma Enbody & Jack
3 Cities Tour

Jack and Great Grandpa Enbody
Grand Rapids, May 2009
Mommy & Jack's three cities in three days tour

Jack dressed himself
June 2009

Jack and Kyle have been making lots of forts this summer. Here Kyle coaxed Lincoln in too.
July 2009

Kyle and his cousins
Grand Haven, July 4th weekend of 2009

Cousin Shot on Lake MI
July 2009

Jack having fun at the beach
Harbor Island, SC
July 2009

Jack, Kyle & Cousin Joey
Harbor Island, SC

Friday, June 26, 2009


So my cousin tells me it’s time for a new blog…so here goes.

Left Out. An oddity, of sorts, that I have. I have a real difficult time with feeling as if someone has been “left out”. When I was younger and would leave notes for my parents, I would first write “Dad and Mom” and then underneath I would write “Mom and Dad”. See, I didn’t want them to think I liked one more than the other, even more so, I didn’t want one of them to feel left out. Actually, Annie K, I distinctly recall having quite a complex with my 8th grade letter to my parents as I had to address one of them first. I am fairly sure I settled on putting it one way on the envelope and another way on the actual letter (perhaps we should verify that, Mom and Dad, do you still have the letter?).

With that said, you may have noticed my last blog focused primarily on Jack and all the while I wrote I had a whole gambit of issues going on in my head as Kyle was not included in the writing. I concluded that my next blog would be focused on Kyle. Now I must say that this introduction is the fine print as the real blog is to be focused on Kyle (and I could go on, but this may be considered a bit obsessive).

Kyle is 11 years old and heading into 5th grade next year. FIFTH GRADE! He’s not a little boy any more, definitely not the 7 year old who visited us for two weeks one hot summer and even still not the 8 year old boy we welcomed home to live with us a year later. His smile is the same, his desire for hugs are the same, his love for the dogs, the outdoors and x-box are the same, but he’s growing, he’s growing into our son. Not the cute son you get at two, four and six, but the in between son. The son one can almost call a fine young man, yet one wouldn't want to give him the freedom that seemingly comes with such a title.

He stays up a little later at night, he comprehends more jokes, he has more freedom, he has more responsibilities, he’s growing, learning and molding. One can see where we missed out on his early years. Spend enough time with him and one may see how his early years shaped his personality, shaped his actions and reactions. He’s a sweet kid, who likes to be right. (Quite possibly, one might not see a difference based on that!) Such a complex situation in such a simple family. Therefore we attempt to make it simple. We tell him the way it should be, we model and we praise him for the spectacular things he does the amazing feats he has accomplished and we encourage him all along the way.

A typical summer day might include waking up at 9:30 to Jack and Gregg playing downstairs. Kyle will fix himself breakfast, usually cereal, yogurt and a banana (depends on what Mom has stocked I suppose). Afterwards between play and cleaning up after breakfast he'll get ready for the day. The rest of the day includes playing outdoors (soccer, walking, biking, Jack, dogs), finishing chores before Mom gets home (4:30), playing with Jack, a little time on x-box, reading, drawing, and lunch somewhere in between. Kyles chores might include sweeping (gotta love the swiffer), feeding the dogs, setting the table, dusting, taking recyclables out, cleaning out his bathroom sink and emptying the garbage out of the bathrooms...and new this summer, mowing his soccer field.

Kyle has summer plans. He already had a whole week with Grandma Stelzer at the house. That week he worked particularly hard as Mom had a list for Grandma, but he had PLENTY of fun in between! He spent a weekend with his cousins and family at Grandma and Grandpa Supirans which ended in a soccer game with two of his cousins against Mom and two of his aunts. Though it took a lot to get Mom to play, it appears it was a highlight of his weekend. Kyle will go to church camp this summer too. He went last year and I distinctly recall him saying "I could stay here forever". I pray that this camp is a real boost to his spiritual life. Kyle will also join the WHOLE Stelzer family in South Carolina this year for a week long vacation in July. He'll have an entire week to get to know some of his extended family, of whom we sometimes only see for a day or two here and there. He'll also, I'm sure, get to hear of many memories as us siblings talk about summer vacations in SC as kids.

I asked Kyle this summer if he missed Russia, his friends, caregivers, mom and grandmother. He told me mainly his friends. He wondered how they were. I think Kyle has always been a follower, and even though he makes friends easy, it seems to me that none of them are nearly as close to him as his friends were in Russia. It takes time, and he is social and he is funny and sweet, so I'm not at all concerned, but I look forward to the day when he seems to have some best buddies that he truly enjoys the company of. In the meantime, we'll enjoy each other as a family, monitor a few websites for glimpses of old friends and work on his ongoing friendships at school and church.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

to be like jack

i'm thankful for my family. i'm thankful for my health. i'm thankful for a simple life.

jack loves to ride the tractor. he missed his nap yesterday and when we arrived home we found gregg driving the tractor. gregg graciously took jack on his lap and proceeded to complete his work. i missed what i'm sure was a very cute sight. jack curled up in gregg's lap and slept through the ride. evidently, once they arrived to the tractors final resting spot, jack popped up from his slumber in gregg's lap and exclaimed, "more".

jack has a horrible nighttime routine (whose fault is that?), but lately he has one thing down of which i am pleased with. brushing his teeth. which consists of brushing, while both dancing (to the music of the toothbrush) and staring at himself in the mirror. when he is done he climbs back up on his stool, spits (there has yet to be any actual substance to leave his mouth), takes a sip of water that i have readied for him and then looks up at me holding the paper cup and says, "garbage" with a nod of his head, as if asking me if that's okay. he proceeds to step down, throw away the cup and run to his room for a book. i love routine.

as noted on facebook...jack was playing with a small lego man when he pulled the plastic hair off the man's head, held the man up and pointed to his head and said "cold head".

ever since the virgin islands and watching kyle in swim lessons jack takes a bath and spends most of his time, swimming, kicking and splashing. in fact he got me in the bathtub the other day and splashed water all over me, shirt and all. after he poured water over my head, he exclaimed, "mommy wet, mommy swimming". life is simple.

any time we're in a store or restaurant and kyle needs to use the bathroom (or kyle is missing for more than a few minutes), jack concludes, out loud, "kyle, poopy, potty". kyle takes it like a man.

jack was taking a bath yesterday and I heard what sounded like, "no hitting". So I turned to check out what was going on. he was holding the hand of his spiderman action figure and making it hit his own chest, resulting in jack scolding spiderman with the words, "no hitting".

the other day it was such a nice day on the way home from daycare that i rolled jacks window down. every once in a while i would here him exclaim, "basket!". he has been quite familiar with basketball for awhile, he'll call out basket or basketball when anything remotely close to basketball is seen. finally i looked back at jack just in time to watch him pull a bunny cheddar cracker out of his sandwich bag, drop it out the window and exclaim, "basket!".

and now i see why kyle thanked God the other day for having jack to entertain us.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring 09

I realize it's about time I post something new. Just to show you that I do try to be a bit more timely in my posts; please refer to the paragraphs below. I've copied and pasted some notes from a never-before-published post.

Spring Break - March 28- April 2
Traveling with an eleven year old and a 21 month old is good cause for unsightly events in the eyes of others, but in our case we've been very fortunate and perhaps the only unsightly event would be Jack running and jumping with all his might in the sand without a diaper or pants hiding the parts that he so affectionately calls pee-pee and poopy. Ah, no, I am sure there were more, but overall our spring break has gone quite well! And the best part is that it isn't over yet!

My anxious anticipation for this trip really didn't have to do with getting away from work, but actually to observe Kyle and Jack in a setting that I am so fond of, and that would be so new to them. Thus far they seem to be enjoying themselves!

...Kyle can't seem to catch enough lizards, always quick to be an awesome big brother at the same time, ensuring that Jack gets to catch a glimpse. Gregg and Kyle went tarantula hunting last night, but I'm not sure if they were successful. Kyle also saw his first mongoose today when we walked the Reef Bay Trail. He thought they were pretty cool and at the end of the trail he exclaimed, "That was fun!". Snorkeling has taken a bit for him to get used to, as most of you may recall swimming is still a work in progress. He has a life vest though, and every beach we've gone to he and Gregg have gone out to explore.

Jack has a love-hate relationship with the water. He desperately wants to go to the "water" and the "beach" every day, but once we arrive he shakes his head "no" over and over again. He has come to love running and jumping and playing with his "guys" and cars in the sand though. He and I have spent a few hours each day on the beach doing just that while Kyle and Gregg are out snorkeling. Jack has been a delight to watch as he has learned new words and takes everything in stride. The past two days he has skipped his nap due to refusals to fall asleep in the arms of a parent or a booster seat on winding roadways (as that was all that was available), but amazingly he's hung in there with only a few tantrums along the way. He hiked a large portion of the Reef Bay Trail, and still managed to keep from falling asleep in any ones arms, on any ones shoulders nor in the car on the way to or from the beach.

Current Time:
The beach and sun are far away, but still a wonderful memory for all of us! Pictures are posted on FB if you're interested!

Kyle started swimming lessons again, five weeks of "level three". Last week was his first session. He claimed he was a little bit nervous before the lesson, but when the hour was over he shared with enthusiasm, the words I love to hear from him, "That was fun!". He's doing quite well academically, still noting P.E., Art and Recess as his favorites (I don't blame him). With the end of the school year near he has lots of school activities he's looking forward to: a day on a schooner in Lake Huron, Besser Museum, and Mackinac Island to name a few. He continues to be a spectacular big brother by playing and reading every evening with Jack.

Jack hasn't slowed down a bit. He loves to play with Kyle and Daddy, often "shoeing" his Mommy away. I would say, his favorite toys at the moment are empty boxes, cars, trucks, trains, his ABC school bus and his little animal figures (specifically the hippo, lion and elk). Oh, and I suppose I should throw in the blocks that form a bridge over his train tracks, spiderman, the tick, and his St. John souvenir, "turtle". He also has a thing for baths as long as they don't involve washing his body. Today he had three and was hoping for four, at which time bedtime occurred instead. He loves to read books and talk and his milestone for the week was getting through a whole church service without being dropped off at the nursery due to incessant talking.

With spring upon us Gregg is busy planning on "all things outdoors". So-much-so that school seems to get in the way. Due to the snow days, he'll be at school through June 12th, with the kids going until June 9th. His fishing trip with my dad and brother is schedule for June and our family get together in July.

I am well and work is good. Beginning Monday a few changes will occur within my department of which I am thankful for and looking forward to (wahoo!). Other than that, just having a blast, loving God, and appreciating His gifts!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Some new thoughts to share.

Sorry, no new pictures yet, just words.  Maybe next week. 

So when one brings home their 19 month old who has been awake since 5 AM, who elected to refuse a nap at daycare, who after screaming at the top of his lungs, flailing every limb and whipping his head back and forth while his mother attempted to strap him in his car seat falls asleep, who arrives home shortly after and wakes up to experience all of 4 minutes of toddler happiness and then turns into one ball of fire for the next 2 1/2 hours (as evidenced by non-stop screaming, unconsolable crying, flailing of more body parts, etc, etc), is it okay for one to wonder whether or not her patience is sufficient enough to parent a toddler?  

He's asleep now.  I think I'll make it.

Really though, Jack's been great fun.  He is putting words together, some that we understand and some that we're trying to decipher.  He is SUCH a helper.  He can build a fire alongside the best (minus the actual lighting of the fire), he can carry small logs from the door to the living room with ease, he's an excellent helper to Kyle when it comes to feeding the dogs (and every once in awhile tests it for the dogs, just in case it wasn't quite prepared right), he loves to wipe up a mess and is great at throwing things away.  He's intrigued by the big toilet, yet not enough to use it.  He loves food, but remains a bit picky.  Let's see, who was I talking about, Gregg, Kyle,, no..oh, yeah, Jack. Jack is a mover, he loves to run and play and in three months time has incurred three visible injuries on his face..Injury #1: Running in the house with a train. Resulted in a fall and a cut near his lip.  Happened in December, still a visible scar.  Injury #2:  Sliding down the indoor slide at daycare...with his tongue sticking out.  Thankfully tongues are quick healers, though the cut was big and impressed all the nurses at work when they got a glimpse of it, that is all but a mere spot on his tongue.  Injury #3:  He became so excited when it came time to wash his hands at daycare that he chose to run to the sink.  As the story was told, he tripped on the leg of a table and actually did a somersault in the air.  Bit his lip.  I'm waiting for the first broken bone.

Kyle is working on respect in the classroom, it appears he's been able to get away with some behaviors in class until recently.  It also appears that he's had a few more issues, though mild, over the year with regard to keeping quiet and listening to the teacher!  He is working hard to do better and his teacher is keeping him accountable.  It's a learning process for all of us!!  I've been in a stage where I keep telling myself, "this is only the beginning, just you wait."  He is awesome with Jack, and really knows when to come to his mothers aid.  He must detect my impatience (or is it that I shout out how impatient I am??).  He can still make Jack laugh like no other.  He just finished a "scrape drawing" with something we picked up at the store one day  It's pretty cool (foxes).  Though far away, he is looking forward to spring break as well as a class field trip to Mackinac Island (especially after hearing his Dad was going to try to go along).  He is selling Krispy Kreme donuts to raise money for this trip and if all of you were closer I would make each of you buy a dozen.  Instead, I'll buy a few and think of you while I'm eating them. 

At work lately I have been experiencing, in simple terms, "a brain that is so full it is difficult to get anything done".   It is very difficult to work under such circumstances.  It isn't only difficult to work under such circumstances, but it is difficult to work with a bunch of co-workers experiencing the same exact thing!  We all need a vacation, but since most of us don't have one coming we'll trudge on and hope for a positive turn of events!!  On a brighter note, I have been working out a few days a week before I go to work and it has truly made a difference in my energy level.  I'm loving it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January Notes

Where do I begin?  I believe I have so much to post that I'll just blog thought to thought no matter how badly I jump from subject to subject.

The family is getting over a nasty stomach bug that hit over a week ago.  It is amazing how such a thing can set one back.  Jack got hit the worst and is just now coming around.  Back to a life of seemingly never getting enough food.  

My sister, Jean, visited last weekend (was it only last weekend?).  We anxiously anticipated her visit and were so happy to have her in our home.  Unfortunately we passed on the bug.  

Kyle and Jack both had check-ups this week.  Kyle is 57 inches and 68 pounds; growing, growing, growing (up)!  Jack is maybe 25 pounds; actually can't really recall at the moment..but I do remember thinking, "that's all?????".

Gregg started indoor soccer with the high school boys on Monday nights.  This will last for a few more weeks.  He has been very, very busy with work around the house; plowing, stacking wood, plowing, and plowing some more.

Kyle received all A's on his most recent report card.  He continues to improve in areas that he has shown capability of doing so.  He seems to enjoy school, though has definitely found enjoyment in snow days, weekends and thoughts of upcoming breaks.

Work for me has been trying.  At times I am completely overwhelmed but at other times I have a calm sense about me, with thoughts that one day it'll be different and current issues will only be memories (that in my case I likely won't be able to recall anyway).

Jack is full of it, and appears to know it even at 19 months old.  I've decided that his ability to string two and three words together not only melts my heart practically every time, but also just may be my favorite "first" in a world of possible baby/toddler "firsts" ("Bye, Dad" was his first of this first).   He no longer seems to have issues with hitting, but has moved onto yelling at the top of his lungs, sometimes for fun and other times out of anger..or desire (usually for food or for Mommy).  He can throw a pretty good tantrum too.

Kyle is 11 and growing.  He loves to make decisions on his own, but remains a kid at heart.  He can spend over an hour outside playing with the dogs and another hour entertaining Jack with chase, wrestling, book reading and regular play.  Most recently he has been enjoying listening to tales of Tom Brown, Jr.

Jack still loves "riding".  He has moved on from not only wanting to ride everything to wanting spiderman to ride his dog, or a car to ride his bear, spiderman to ride his bear.  Need I say more?  His vocabulary continues to grow.  Amazing really.  Most recently baths no longer intrigue him.  It appears 1-2 baths a day after getting sick one too many times just played too much of a cruel joke on him.  He still loves the water though, so I am sure he'll come around.

One day I hope to find some time at a local wi-fi spot to upload some recent photos of the family.  A goal to do so, but setting a time frame would only be setting myself up for failure!  

We feel so very blessed.  We are thankful for our daily lives, our trials and our fun.