Monday, March 8, 2010

It's been so long, it took me 30 minutes on dial up to reconfigure my password and remind myself what my username was for my blog... I'm back!

It has been so long I feel as if just updates are in order:

Since my last post Kyle turned 12, is still in the 5th grade and is probably looking forward to spring break now that winter break is over! He is doing well in his studies, he got off to a rough start at the beginning of the second trimester, but from what I can tell he’s improved and holding steady since. Christmas was spent down state with family and this I know Kyle loves. He enjoys all of his relatives and is always excited about spending time with them. We are planning on a travel soccer team for Kyle this spring. Gregg and another father will coach. Games will be played on Sundays (if anyone wants to work it into their schedule) and we’ll be traveling the Northern Michigan area for a few weeks to get them all in (Petoskey, TC, Cheboygan, Gaylord). Kyle has a science project due in April for the "5th Grade Science Fair". I've struggled with this one, working to keep my own desire to complete the project at bay.

Jack is 2 1/2 and we often hear comments about what a ham he is, and how much trouble he's going to cause us one day down the road. Unfortunately, I agree with these comments! Jack still keeps us running, he remains to be a busy kid. He's recently gone through a stage of fits at day care drop off time. I'm pretty sure it's just the separation and it will pass (in fact after at least a month of such fits, this morning was quite mild). He loves Diego, anything outside, he's all boy (that includes the passing of gas, stinky smells and hunting). Speaking of hunting. I've said it before, but I must share a few of his comments. It quickly reminds me of the house I live in..
#1: I was calling Gretchen in from outside (as she was taking her sweet time) and Jack exclaimed, "I think her smell coyote!".
#2: Just today, Jack spent five minutes showing me how to use the plastic hanger as a bow. I seemed to place my hand in the wrong spot every time!
#3: I was busy making monkey bread at the kitchen counter when Jack asked what was in my hand. I said, "dough", to which he got very excited and exclaimed, "A DEER!?!".
His newest quirk is a backpack. He wore it today to daycare, and the look on his face, walking next to his big brother with his backpack was PRICELESS!. He proceeded to wear it to the doctors office as well. It's a bit of a Diego thing, I'm fairly certain.

And, now, I'm called away (didn't help that I spend 30 minutes trying to log in).. Hopefully more later.