So when one brings home their 19 month old who has been awake since 5 AM, who elected to refuse a nap at daycare, who after screaming at the top of his lungs, flailing every limb and whipping his head back and forth while his mother attempted to strap him in his car seat falls asleep, who arrives home shortly after and wakes up to experience all of 4 minutes of toddler happiness and then turns into one ball of fire for the next 2 1/2 hours (as evidenced by non-stop screaming, unconsolable crying, flailing of more body parts, etc, etc), is it okay for one to wonder whether or not her patience is sufficient enough to parent a toddler?
He's asleep now. I think I'll make it.
Really though, Jack's been great fun. He is putting words together, some that we understand and some that we're trying to decipher. He is SUCH a helper. He can build a fire alongside the best (minus the actual lighting of the fire), he can carry small logs from the door to the living room with ease, he's an excellent helper to Kyle when it comes to feeding the dogs (and every once in awhile tests it for the dogs, just in case it wasn't quite prepared right), he loves to wipe up a mess and is great at throwing things away. He's intrigued by the big toilet, yet not enough to use it. He loves food, but remains a bit picky. Let's see, who was I talking about, Gregg, Kyle,, no..oh, yeah, Jack. Jack is a mover, he loves to run and play and in three months time has incurred three visible injuries on his face..Injury #1: Running in the house with a train. Resulted in a fall and a cut near his lip. Happened in December, still a visible scar. Injury #2: Sliding down the indoor slide at daycare...with his tongue sticking out. Thankfully tongues are quick healers, though the cut was big and impressed all the nurses at work when they got a glimpse of it, that is all but a mere spot on his tongue. Injury #3: He became so excited when it came time to wash his hands at daycare that he chose to run to the sink. As the story was told, he tripped on the leg of a table and actually did a somersault in the air. Bit his lip. I'm waiting for the first broken bone.
Kyle is working on respect in the classroom, it appears he's been able to get away with some behaviors in class until recently. It also appears that he's had a few more issues, though mild, over the year with regard to keeping quiet and listening to the teacher! He is working hard to do better and his teacher is keeping him accountable. It's a learning process for all of us!! I've been in a stage where I keep telling myself, "this is only the beginning, just you wait." He is awesome with Jack, and really knows when to come to his mothers aid. He must detect my impatience (or is it that I shout out how impatient I am??). He can still make Jack laugh like no other. He just finished a "scrape drawing" with something we picked up at the store one day It's pretty cool (foxes). Though far away, he is looking forward to spring break as well as a class field trip to Mackinac Island (especially after hearing his Dad was going to try to go along). He is selling Krispy Kreme donuts to raise money for this trip and if all of you were closer I would make each of you buy a dozen. Instead, I'll buy a few and think of you while I'm eating them.
At work lately I have been experiencing, in simple terms, "a brain that is so full it is difficult to get anything done". It is very difficult to work under such circumstances. It isn't only difficult to work under such circumstances, but it is difficult to work with a bunch of co-workers experiencing the same exact thing! We all need a vacation, but since most of us don't have one coming we'll trudge on and hope for a positive turn of events!! On a brighter note, I have been working out a few days a week before I go to work and it has truly made a difference in my energy level. I'm loving it!